
824 America Ave. NW

Bemidji, MN 56601

(218) 214-9066

Shelter & Meals

Peoples Church offers year-round overnight shelter for folks in need.

We ask that people who are looking to stay overnight check in with our staff by 8:00p. If you have questions or are looking for a place to shelter after that time, please call our office number at (218) 214-9066 to inquire.

We have a hot evening meal on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays served in the 6 o’clock hour and breakfast 7 days a week from 8-11a. Anyone in the community is welcome to share in our meals, you do not have to be a shelter guest to eat with us. 

Sundays we have a feast with a hot meal at noon (see “Feast and Worship” page for details)

Food pantry with canned goods is available to everyone during our open hours:8-11a and 5-9p every day